
The "Home" Page allows you to view the latest updates on a project.. If you are one of the people who are interested in creating your own pictures, please stop by the "Artist's Corner". The "Scratch" page contains a few Scratch games that I made with the pictures that I've drawn. You can explore the posts by simply scrolling down, or you can sort them by project with the "projects" bar below. Feel free to explore the blog, and comment any questions you have. I hope you will enjoy viewing these pictures, and maybe you can create your own!

Friday 29 November 2013

back to the drawing board

I've just handed in my game assignment, so I'm done with that. Here's the link in case you want to play it:
Anyways, I'm going back to drawing now, starting with this. I just took one of the pictures I drew for my game and added a backdrop. It's the Super Arrow, and I've been meaning to draw this for a while.

Super Arrow

Wednesday 27 November 2013

More Planes (for Scratch game)

My game is due to my teacher this Friday, and since I'm pretty much done, I thought I'd program a bonus level in. I've decided that the bonus level will be you, controlling a Super Arrow, trying to dodge an attacking Mig-35, before trying to shoot it down. I've also added a M-50 bomber as one of the mini-bosses.



Super Arrow

Wednesday 20 November 2013


Been working on Scratch a lot for the past few days. Not finished yet, but here's a link to the game. If by the off chance one of you guys know how to use Scratch, it's my first time using Scratch, so any comments on what I could do better would be appreciated. Otherwise, hope you like the first 6 missions, and more are to come.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

A New Hobby

I just want to apologize for the lack of new posts. I've just gotten really addicted to programming my game, and got too carried away with it. Anyways, the game itself is due to my teacher next Friday, so I should be able to get back to drawing on paint soon.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

True North

I've decided to call my game True North, since it's about defending Canada. I've written out the story, and already drawn the main character, and now I need enemy fighters. So I've drawn up the enemy aircraft I'm going to use. Both are Russian, and made during the cold war, which fits the story line.



Tuesday 12 November 2013


Found a new way to use my paint experience somewhere else. In school, my computer tech course has a project where we have to create a game using Scratch. We're not supposed to start working on the computer just yet, but I thought I'd play around a bit. I've decided that I'm going to take the CF-18 in the X-Jet 2.0 project, and use that as the character that you control, and the story is that the Russians are invading Canada during the cold war. I've got a good idea on how the story is going to go. (hint, the last mission involves shooting down a nuclear missile bound for Ottawa), and I'm really exited to get started on it soon. When I'm done, I'll share a link here. After that, I think I'm going to create another game just for fun, with the ships. 

Friday 8 November 2013

Hidden Messages

Art is supposed to be used to convey hidden messages, and so this is my first attempt to put messages in. This one is all about evolution vs. creation. I'm personally a believer of creation, but the point in this picture, is that both theories are equal. Creation sounds like a fairy tale, and evolution is more believable, but there really isn't any evidence for that. If evolution really happened, then there would be hundreds of fossils of pre-evolved humans. Except there aren't, so it's still a matter of faith.

How to create humans for dummies

More Experimenting

I'm continuing to experiment with adding paint pictures onto photographed backgrounds, this is the newest one. It's supposed to show how freedom is like a storm, and that's what the RCAF stands for.

The Sound Of Freedom

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Mix and Matched Ships

I notice that everyone of my previous posts have been seen at least once, except for this one. It's actually a pretty cool project that I did a while back, but like I said, nobody saw it. So here it is again, just because these old projects are just as important as my newer ones.

September 29, 2013:
Did the same thing I did to the planes a while ago with the ships. "Battleship the Game" depicts an ordinary game of Battleship. "Battle Group Dakota" shows a carrier battle group, escorted by destroyers, heading out to sea to keep the peace. My personal favorite of the three is "Hunter-Killer Task Group", which shows a small task group, assigned to hunting submarines in the Pacific. This was inspired by the true story of the U-505, which was captured by the American Navy in World War 2. In the picture, a submarine attempts to "crash dive"to avoid the anti-submarine destroyers.
Battleship the Game
 Battle Group Dakota
Hunter-Killer Task Group


In case you didn't notice, I didn't actually draw the background for the new Super Arrow fan art. Instead, I actually took a picture of a maple leaf pin, and zoomed in, before adding the planes. This is an experiment to incorporate paint, into photography, it's really easy to do, and I might show you how to do it. In this case, the background is a sticker I got from cadets, with the CF-18.

Saturday 2 November 2013

The Changing Face of the RCAF

Spent the morning putting the formations onto the background, but it's finished now. I call it "The Changing Face of the RCAF". The planes are in chronological order by the year they entered/would have entered service with the RCAF. Along with a few air-show performers. Some of which are quite popular, the snowbirds, or the CF-18 Demonstration team, but there's also the Red Knight (red CT-133 Silverstar) and the Goldenhawks. This is possibly my best drawing, ever.

The Changing Face of the RCAF

Friday 1 November 2013


In order to create the new piece of fan art, I think I have to draw up the formations for the fan art. So my idea is to put the planes in formation from oldest, to newest. Here're the formations.

CF-86 Formation

CF-101 Formation

Goldenhawks Formation

CF-5 Formation

CF-18 Demonstration Team

Last Bit of New Planes!

After a lot of hard work, I think I'm done. These are the last few planes that I need for the new fan art to the Super Arrow, coming up. First, there's the CF-18 Demonstration Team, relatively new, but still important to Canadian aviation. Then the CT-144 Tudor, forever immortalized as the light aircraft used by the Snowbirds. I'm hopeful that the new fan art will come out very well!

CF-18 Demonstration Team

CT-144 Tudor
CT-144 Tudor


CT-144 Goldenhawk