
The "Home" Page allows you to view the latest updates on a project.. If you are one of the people who are interested in creating your own pictures, please stop by the "Artist's Corner". The "Scratch" page contains a few Scratch games that I made with the pictures that I've drawn. You can explore the posts by simply scrolling down, or you can sort them by project with the "projects" bar below. Feel free to explore the blog, and comment any questions you have. I hope you will enjoy viewing these pictures, and maybe you can create your own!

Monday 26 May 2014

Sonic Requests

A number of Scratchers asked me to draw profile pictures for them. So I spent the weekend drawing several different sonic characters. I had a lot of fun drawing these challenging figures, and hope to continue in the future. If any of you have a request, just comment below.

Shadow the Hedgehog

Sonic the Hedgehog

Unknown Hedgehog

Past Mistakes, Future Consequences

Another hidden meanings picture. A lot of these have a personal connection to me, not that I can share that here. This one is called "Past Mistakes, Future Consequences". It shows how your past mistakes affect your future.

Past Mistakes, Future Consequences

Sunday 25 May 2014

The Real Game of Life

Another piece with hidden meanings. I find that the board game life is not an accurate representation of what life really is. I think jenga is a better representation as shown in this piece. You build up something that can easily be knocked down.

The Real Game of Life

Friday 23 May 2014

sharp_shooter Logo

I've become more and more popular on Scratch, and because of that, I needed a better profile picture to make sure people remember me. This is the picture I came up with, and it just builds on my previous sharp-shooter logo. Again, the shading is done on Scratch.

Hidden Meanings (again)

I apologize for not posting in a while, not that anyone is reading this. Anyways now that I have a Scratch account dedicated to art, I needed to make that more popular, so I drew a few new projects, some of which using Scratch. Scratch doesn't offer the best drawing program, but the colouring tool allows you to do things you can't do on Paint or Paintbrush. All the shading in the projects are done using Scratch. Now that I've discovered this, I think I will start doing more art using a combination of Scratch and Paint/Paintbrush. As for the art, the "Idea" project builds on the concept that ideas are infinite, and let you look at the world differently. "Power" shows the idea that power comes in 2 phases, on or off.



Sunday 11 May 2014

All Things Canadian

First I would like to apologize for not drawing anything new in 2-3 months, I have made a scratch account for the purpose of sharing my art, because frankly I don't think anyone is seeing it here. Fortunately, I now have something worth putting here. As the title implies, it is all things Canadian, with many Canadian inventions, and trademarks. If you want a challenge, identify all the Canadian objects in the picture.

Friday 28 March 2014


I think I've said it before, my nickname at cadets is Sharp-Shooter. That's why I made it my username on Scratch. Now I have a project dedicated to my nickname. My goal is to get at least 10 gun animations, and put them together to form an armory. Here's the custom .50 anti-material suppressed rifle.

Thursday 27 March 2014

More Scratch

I've been really bored recently, Scratch doesn't offer the same challenge it once did, until now. I've decided I need a new challenge, so I'm making a project similar to "igun pro" on Apple's app store. I've animated two guns so far and hope to do more in the coming weeks.

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Things You Can Do With Scratch

As we all already know, there are many things you can do with Scratch. Including make a competition to draw, make animations, etc. I've recently found one of these competition, and drawn my own entry. The competition calls for people to draw a creative design for a pokeball, from the video game pokemon. My entry is a search and rescue pokeball piloted by the pokemon inside. It is modelled after an actual rescue helicopter in the RCAF.

Arrow keys to move, space to transform.

Tuesday 18 March 2014

New Scratch Game

Along with getting back to this blog, I've also gotten back to programming Scratch games, which as always, involves some more drawing. For my new game, I've drawn a RCAF CH-146 Griffon helicopter. The game involves the player using the helicopter to conduct search and rescue missions around the world. It is still just starting (since I programmed most of it on the plane home from vacation), but it is looking to be a great game.

Rescue Raft

CH-146 Griffon

Saturday 15 March 2014

Super Arrow Competition

The reason I started drawing fan art for the Super Arrow, was that I submitted an essay to their essay competition. Since then, I've been waiting for them to host an art competition. That happened 2 days ago, and I've already completing my submission. I've called it "The Rising Sun Always Outruns the Falling Moon". It depicts a CF-18 losing a race against the Super Arrow, just like the rising sun. It means that the Super Arrow WILL replace the CF-18, just like the sun and the moon. You can argue that the moon eventually comes out at night, but remember that in the Canadian north, they spend 6 months in endless sunshine.

The Rising Sun Always Outruns The Falling Moon

Friday 14 March 2014

Iron Maple 2.0

First of all I want to apologize for not posting/drawing anything new in the last month, but good news is I'm back, and I've got an awesome project just finished. By the way, if anybody is reading this, please do say hi in the comments, it would make me feel like I'm not posting this for myself to see, and it would probably keep me drawing more. Anyways, I've continued the Iron Maple project because I noticed that I've re-coloured everything, except for the Iron Maple. I finally had the time to re-colour, when I was without internet for a while. I've even included a finished picture with all of them to wrap it up. I really do hope you like this one.

Iron Maple Finish

Close Quarters Iron Maple

EVA Ops Iron Maple

Sea Cadet Iron Maple

Air Cadet Iron Maple

Army Cadet Iron Maple

SAR Iron Maple

Weaponized Iron Maple

Iron Man Iron Maple

Jungle Ops Iron Maple

Spec Ops Iron Maple

Stealth Ops Iron Maple

Province of Quebec Iron Maple

Friday 10 January 2014

Drill Music

Here's another picture to test your thinking skills. I guess I should explain a little bit about the picture first. Each of the blue dots represents a cadet, and the lines are the staff on a piece of music. The sloped lines are legato markings from movement to movement, legato means smooth in music. To me, it shows how drill and music are the same thing, requiring timings, and confidence. At the same time, not all the dots are exactly the same distance apart, so it is okay to make mistakes. Comment what you guys think.

Drill Music

Last Air Force!

I think this is going to be the last airforce I do for my Air Forces of the World Project, and it's the Russian Air Force. I still have no idea how I'm going to put all the airforces together, but it'll be fun, especially since I have the weekend to do it. I actually think this is my best one, and I like how to blue came out curved on the wings.

Russian Imperial Air Force Mig-21

Monday 30 December 2013

More Scratch

I was going to make something on Scratch for Christmas, and I did, without sharing it here because it was nothing much. Just some quick animations, here's the link: I've also decided to create something for new year's eve. How about a countdown? With animation when there's only 10 seconds left of 2013? That too was really quick, but it does look quite nice if I do say so myself. Here it is anyways, just click the flag.

New Years Eve Countdown