
The "Home" Page allows you to view the latest updates on a project.. If you are one of the people who are interested in creating your own pictures, please stop by the "Artist's Corner". The "Scratch" page contains a few Scratch games that I made with the pictures that I've drawn. You can explore the posts by simply scrolling down, or you can sort them by project with the "projects" bar below. Feel free to explore the blog, and comment any questions you have. I hope you will enjoy viewing these pictures, and maybe you can create your own!

Thursday 26 September 2013

The Culmination of 6-months of work

Over the past few months, I've drawn a lot of fighter aircraft once used by the RCAF. What I had in mind was to create a final piece that used all the planes, but I couldn't find a suitable background. It's actually one of those Maple Leaf pins people wear on Canada Day. I improvised a film studio with a cardboard box, a camera, and two model cars. I pinned the pin to the box, and used the cars to hold the camera in place over the pin. Then I just took the picture, and zoomed in. Never doubt the good old Canadian ingenuity. It is now my MOST FAVORITE pieces, and has also been sent as fan art to "The Super Arrow".
Made in Canada

Saturday 21 September 2013

Fighter Aircraft Roundels

Sorry I haven't posted any pictures in a while. I've just gotten a MacBook, and I'm still trying to figure out how to draw using it's version of paint. 

This is my first paint project done using Paintbrush, Apple's version of Microsoft Paint. It doesn't exactly have all the features as Paint, but I guess it still works. I've been reading a book on fighter aircraft used in World War 2, and it goes in depth about all the battles, and tactics. I noticed that the roundels looked really easy to draw. Didn't get the time to draw them until now, but I hope to draw some more later this weekend.





Wednesday 18 September 2013

Make Your Own HUD

So I've finally figured out that you can't upload files here, which sucks, because without that , you can't make your own HUD. So if you want to make your own HUD, please send an email to: I will then send you the file. Please have fun with this, it's supposed to let YOU try drawing on paint, so please don't abuse this (e.g. recreating 9/11). Also, I apologize to Mac users, it's a bit more complicated than I would've wanted it to be.

Monday 16 September 2013

HUD update

Sorry about not posting here in a while, been a bit busy this weekend, but just to update on the "Make your own HUD" project:

I am done the instruction file, but I'm having trouble uploading the file. Trying to figure it out, so stand by.

Friday 13 September 2013


Been working on a project that YOU people can do. So here are some examples of what I'm trying to make possible for you to do.

***Just a note, I don't mean to offend people with the pics of a fighter jet's HUD in the city shots. They are not meant to look like 9/11, but rather to show how fighters would respond to a threat in a city***

Area 51
 City Flight
 City Flight
 City Patrol

Wednesday 11 September 2013


So in Tech class, my first assignment was to create a title page for my portfolio. Obviously, I decided to use paint, and in order to fit it with tech class, I drew some blueprints for different vehicles. I will post the finished product when I finish.
Cargo Ship Blueprints
 CC-130 Blueprints
Transport Truck Blueprints

Monday 9 September 2013

The Iron Maple (completed)

I guess I was kind of embarrassed that I abandoned the Iron Maple project. So I got right back at it, and over the course of an hour, I finished the entire project. Included is a mock-up of a Toronto Maple Leafs version of the Armor. I personally think Iron Man is an awesome super hero, but even more awesome would be this, the Iron Maple.
The Iron Maple
The Blue Maple

Sunday 8 September 2013

Mix and Matched Canadian Planes

Paint has many useful tools, one of those tools is the ability to paste another picture you've drawn onto the picture you're working on. This has come in useful many times, and this is just an experiment to test it out. I actually just whipped this up 10 minutes ago, so I hope you like it.

 Daredevil Pass
 Stars Will Fly
We Stand on Guard For Thee

Canadian Planes

Planes are a big part of the Air Cadets, and it was such a big part, I decided that I would draw only planes used by the RCAF, or designed in Canada. This is my biggest project, of which I am very proud of. Usually what I do in Paint is draw a few smaller pictures, and then combine them to make an epic masterpiece, and that`s what I`ve done in a lot of my fan art to the Super Arrow.

Avro Arrow
Super Arrow
CT-133 Silverstar
CF-101 Voodoo
CF-104 Starfighter
 CF-100 Canuck
 CC-130 Hercules
 CF-18 Hornet

Super Arrow Fan Art

On Facebook, there's a page called the Super Arrow, and what they're trying to do is recreate the Avro Arrow. I thought it was kinda cool, so I drew up a couple pieces of fan art, and eventually, it led to the BIGGEST project I have ever done, and is still very much on going. I`m hopeful to have another piece of fan art done within the next week, so yea, really exited for that. I hope you guys enjoy these pieces especially, because they`re the ones that inspire me the most.
Oh Canada
Old meets new
Canadian Made 
 Super Arrow

Saturday 7 September 2013


Me, being the boastful person I am, wanted a good profile picture on Facebook, to off that I'm an Air Cadet. I decided to draw my own plane, and put a RCAF logo in the background. It is one of my most favorite pictures of all time.



The movie Battleship came out a year ago, and it is actually an awesome movie. It was so good, I decided to actually draw the ships steaming out to sea. That, combined with the helicarrier in Avengers, created my first big project.
Battle of the Ships
Aircraft Carrier


Drawing on paint can sometimes be really hard. For example, you might be able to draw really well one day, and the next day, you just can't draw the same. It's kind of like writer's block, except "artist's block". Whenever that happens I need an easy project to switch to for a while, and that's where this project came from. The objective is to think up a random, made up company, and draw a possible logo. It's really simple, and really useful sometimes.

 Arrow Inc.
Text Industries